Ghyll Royd Care Home is a family-owned Residential & Nursing Home part of Spellman Care located in a semi-rural area of Guiseley, West Yorkshire.

The home has four communities – Maple, Rowan, Willow, and Beech accommodating 61 residents in general nursing beds with a further 15 residents living with Dementia in their own dedicated community.

The owners and management at Ghyll Royd Nursing Home requested our help for their care home bathroom transformation in one of their communities as part of their current refurbishment works.

We were asked to transform a current bathroom into a more inviting and modern space, moving away from a clinical look, and opting for a warm, neutral, and homely feel. This enables residents to enjoy a nice relaxing bath, which is extremely beneficial to the needs of the residents at the home.

We were also asked if we could transform an existing bedroom at the nursing home into a fully functional wet room for the residents to enjoy a shower, giving them ample space and additional support to navigate safely around the room, without the fear of a slip, trip, or fall in the bathroom.

At Ghyll Royd, great care has been taken to provide a homely, warm, and welcoming atmosphere, so we were honoured to help maintain this environment with our accessible mobility bathing solutions.

Take a look at the before and after photographs highlighting the wonderful transformation our dedicated team at Assisted Living have delivered for the residents at Ghyll Royd Nursing Home to enjoy.

Nichola, the manager at Ghyll Royd stated;

“ We can cater to so many different needs now, it’s much more of a nicer experience, there’s much more room in the areas that you have produced for us. It’s more person-centred. The time we will be able to spend in these rooms won’t be rushed, it will be a nice warm environment and I’m sure the clients will really enjoy this experience, so thank you.”

Are you looking to create a more person-centred experience in your care home?

Do you need to update and refresh resident bathrooms?

We can cater to commercial projects with our team of highly experienced in-house fitters.

We promise to deliver quality to enhance the resident’s experience and quality of life by providing long-lasting and high-quality mobility bathing solutions that you can rely on and be proud of.